Charlene Dawson
Char Dawson resides in her home state of Utah and is married with two children. She received her undergraduate and teaching certification from the University of Utah. She has been teaching for eighteen years and has spent the last thirteen years teaching in the Wasatch County School District in Heber City, Utah. Her passion for teaching psychology comes from the belief the subject can change and even save lives. Some of her favorite topics include how our brain can get wired for addiction and avoiding fentanyl, how to get help and help others struggling with depression, toxic relationships, and how to build a future that you are excited about.
NSHSS wants to aid educators in their positive efforts to spread awareness and affect change regarding mental health in their classrooms. NSHSS is awarding five (5) NSHSS Educators $1,500 grants to provide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) resources and curriculum to their classrooms.