Crystal McDowell
Crystal began her career in science education in 2000 and has taught life science in three states. Her career has predominantly been in the classroom. Still, she has partnered with universities, served as a 6-12 Science Curriculum Coordinator, provided professional development as a consultant, and volunteered in many education and community-related endeavors. She has been a member of NSTA and state chapters throughout her career. Crystal earned a B.S. in Science Education from North Carolina State University and an M.S. and EdS in Curriculum and Instruction from Missouri Baptist University.
Since the beginning of her career, Crystal has sought to be a change agent for science education and her students. She became a science educator to help revolutionize how science is taught. She has been fortunate to actively participate in inquiry-based professional development and the current movement towards three-dimensional learning, integrating science practices and crosscutting concepts to deepen student understanding. Crystal's aim has always been to teach science in a way that ignites student curiosity, actively engages them in science and helps them to become informed citizens regarding real-world scientific issues.
NSHSS is awarding five (5) $1,000 grants for Advanced Placement teachers to use for supplies, materials, field trips, or other supplemental aids to enhance the delivery of Advanced Placement courses. Any NSHSS Educator teaching an Advanced Placement course in any field is eligible to apply.