The spring season is a great time to search for scholarships for high school students. At NSHSS, we take pride in the broad range of high school scholarships we offer from STEM, to literature, and everything in between. And while our scholarships are open to high school students, they’re intended to help students pay for college tuition.
We believe everyone should have the opportunity to attend their dream school, so here is our list of nine NSHSS scholarships for high school students with spring application deadlines to help you on your way:
Close Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school seniors and college freshmen who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and who have demonstrated in an outstanding manner the values of NSHSS Co-founder Mr. Nobel. College freshmen must be enrolled in an accredited university. Scholarship funds will be sent to the university where the recipients are enrolled or will enroll upon entering college.
Scholarship Award: Two USD $5,000 scholarships. One scholarship for a high school senior and one scholarship for a college freshman.
Application Requirements:
- Resume
- Transcript
- Educator or Program Leader Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
- Personal statement of 500 words in response to the following passage: Mr. Nobel promotes “The Seven Rights” as a prescription for living a productive life and contributing to the betterment of society. Those include right thought, right word, right deed, right attitude and right livelihood, and conclude with right here and right now. “Ladies and gentleman, to have a future or not – that is our choice,” Nobel said. “… Together we can change the world.” Explain how you have contributed and are contributing to the betterment of the world through one or more of Mr. Nobel’s “The Seven Rights.”
Close Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: NSHSS Ambassadors graduating in 2019 who demonstrate specific ways in which they have represented NSHSS and helped to build a positive global community.
Scholarship Award: Ten USD $1,000 scholarships
Application Requirements:
- Resume
- Transcript
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
- Personal statement of 500 words in response to one of the following questions:
- In what specific ways have you represented NSHSS as an Ambassador?
- As an NSHSS Ambassador, how have you contributed to building a positive global community?
*You are encouraged to send in photos and press clippings of any activities, if available.
Close Date: Wednesday, May 01, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school students
Scholarship Award: Ten (10) USD $250 cash awards to recognize students who have written academic papers as class assignments in high school, such as a research paper, an original essay, or an analytical paper.
Winning papers will be published on the NSHSS website. The essay must have been assigned and submitted for a class you have taken in high school or are currently taking. If you are dual-enrolled in high school and college, you may submit a paper from your college class.
We will not consider fiction or poetry, journal entries, computer programs, or lab reports. You may submit one paper per year. Winners must agree to publication of their essay on the NSHSS website in order to receive the award. Winning essays will be posted on the NSHSS website.
Submissions will not be returned.
Method of submission: Upload a copy of your essay on the online application as a Word document or PDF. Essays must be submitted in English.
Application Requirements:
- Title of the paper
- Brief description of the assignment
- Name of the class
- Term/year when the class was taken
- Name of the teacher who assigned the paper
- Email address of school counselor
If you are dual-enrolled, include the name of your college professor from your college course, the college at which you are enrolled, and the name of your high school.
Close Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school students
Scholarship Award:
- 1st prize: USD $1,000
- 2nd prize: USD $500
- 3rd prize: USD $250
Application Requirements:
- Title and description (up to 200 words) of your submission– what inspired the work, how it was created, and the intent
- Video Submission
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
Video Prompt: Express yourself by providing an artistic representation of who you are or your worldview through film.
Films should be no more than 5 minutes long, and submissions can be made in the following categories: scripted film narrative, animation, documentary, or music video/musical/dance performance.
*Previously created music may be used if the song’s original artist and composer are credited.
Entries will be judged on the following criteria:
- Expression of a clear theme
- Quality of the story line and script (if applicable)
- Creativity and/or content originality
- Production quality
- Editing
Close Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school students
Scholarship Awards:
- 1st prize: USD $1,000
- 2nd prize: USD $500
- 3rd prize: USD $250
Awards will be presented to students with the top submissions in the two categories below:
- Photography/Digital Photography
- Painting/Drawing/Mixed Media/Digital Art
- Examples of artwork for this category include painting, drawing, ceramics, glass, sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, and weaving
*All pieces of work must be submitted in a digital file and uploaded to your online application.
Application Requirements:
- Title and description of your submission (up to 200 words)
- Digital files of your artwork uploaded to the application
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
All submissions must be the student’s original work.
*Students have the option to apply to both categories. Applying to both categories does not improve your chances for winning; all submissions will be judged based on quality and uniqueness of work. Only one entry per category is allowed. Students are only eligible to win one NSHSS Scholarship per academic year.
Close Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school students
Scholarship Award: In each category listed below, the following prizes will be awarded:
- 1st prize: USD $1,000
- 2nd prize: USD $500
- 3rd prize: USD $250
Three scholarships will be awarded in each of the two categories: Poetry and Fiction.
Students may apply for one or both categories. Entries should not have been previously published. Submit one entry per category.
- Poetry: Students may submit their original poetry in any style, from formal verse, to free verse, to experimental. The poem should be formatted as you wish it to appear in publication.
- Fiction: Students may submit a piece of short fiction, which must be no more than 5,000 words and should not be single-spaced. The entry may be any genre of the student’s choice, including graphic novel or story.
Application Requirements:
- Upload of writing piece in Word or PDF file
- Each writing entry should include a title
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
Winning literary entries will be published on the NSHSS website. Entries will be judged on creativity, technique, expression, and originality.
Close Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Eligibility: High school seniors and college freshmen, sophomores, juniors
Scholarship Award: USD $1,000 awarded to students exploring the concept of how Artificial Intelligence may affect humanity, society, culture, or a project conceptualizing this idea.
Application Requirements:
- Resume
- Transcript
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
- Video submission no longer than 4 minutes introducing yourself and your project or vision in the field of AI/Robotics
- Personal statement discussing one of the following:
- How AI or Robotics technology may affect the future; you may wish to present research evaluating the pros and cons with your conclusion about best steps for mankind in this area.
- Discuss a specific project of yours that is conceptualized or currently in progress in the field of AI/Robotics.
Close Date: Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school seniors and college freshmen who have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and who have demonstrated in an outstanding manner the values of NSHSS Co-founder and President James W. Lewis. College students must be enrolled in an accredited university. Scholarship funds will be sent to the university where the recipients are enrolled or will enroll upon entering college.
Scholarship Award: USD $5,000 scholarships
The James W. Lewis Leadership Award has been established to encourage and recognize young leaders who exemplify the values to which Mr. Lewis has dedicated his life and work:
- Commitment to diversity and inclusion
- Commitment to helping create educational opportunities for all, including young people identifying with under-represented groups
- Commitment to encouraging leadership among youth
- Commitment to community engagement and volunteerism
- Commitment to global perspective
- Commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship
In 2002, Mr. Lewis co-founded NSHSS with Claes Nobel, of the family that established the Nobel Prizes, to acknowledge and nurture the continuing success of high school and college students who have distinguished themselves through academic accomplishment, exemplary leadership and community involvement.
Mr. Lewis’s complete bio can be found on the NSHSS website.
Application Requirements:
- Resume
- Transcript
- Educator Recommendation
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
- Personal statement of 1,000 words in response to the following: Describe how you have demonstrated and are continuing to exemplify the leadership values of Mr. Lewis
- Video submission no longer than 4 minutes introducing yourself and your suitability for this scholarship
Close Date: Saturday, June 01, 2019
Eligibility Requirements: High school juniors and seniors
Scholarship Award: USD $1,000-$5,000 scholarships. Applicants will be selected for $5,000 Claes Nobel Academic Scholarships and $1,000 National Scholar Awards. There is one application.
Application Requirements:
- Personal statement of 500 words describing how you hope to make a positive impact on society and how your college plans should help you on your journey
- Resume (may be copied and pasted or uploaded)
- Transcript (may be uploaded, mailed, or emailed)
- Educator Recommendation (submitted via online form; link provided in application)
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
*Scholarship funding is sent to recipients' college or university during the freshman year. If you receive this scholarship as a high school junior, your scholarship funding will be held until you enroll in college.
NSHSS members can log into their dashboards to apply for these scholarship. If you're not yet a member of NSHSS, you can contact to inquire or visit our Membership page for more information.