Shambrekia Wise
VP of Community Development & Outreach
NSHSS Fellows Executive Board
Congratulations! You did it! This is such an amazing accomplishment in your life, the first of many more to come. We know you have worked exceptionally hard and have burned the midnight oil on several occasions and it has paid off. For many of you, you will be embarking on college for the first time this fall or even starting your career this summer; but whatever you do, be exceptional. You have never lived a day before this very one; so don't bother measuring yourself in a light which you have not seen.
Be committed to you, your hopes, your dreams and your desires. Enjoy your friends, hear the advice of your mentors and remember the teachings you learned at home, but always be true to you. We are so very proud of your achievement; but when life throws a roadblock in your way and if you ever need to talk, remember the Board is here. While small in numbers, collectively we cover so many diverse walks of life and we are extremely happy to share our stories or even just lend an ear if that's what you need.
Whatever your journey may have in store be encouraged. The road may be hard and uncertain, but never give up, never settle and remember anything is possible if you maintain your faith and focus. We are a family and we support your lifelong aspirations.
Congratulations and Good Luck!!!