NSHSS Chapter at Clarksville High School Promotes Safe Driving

The NSHSS Clarksville High School Chapter organized a Drive Safe Rally, led by Chapter President Isabella Sullivan. Through the Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership program, Isabella received a grant to bring the In One Instant program to the school. In January 2019, all 9th and 10th grade students had an NSHSS peer-to-peer youth leader come to their classrooms to introduce the program. Students then watched a 35-minute film that features the consequences of intoxicated and distracted driving choices, and then peer leaders engaged the 9th and 10th grade students in safe driving instruction.
Also, through the National Youth Leadership Council program, Isabella received another grant to implement a personalized safe driving campaign in her school community through the Project Ignition program. Some of the funds from this grant made it possible to implement the Drive Safe Rally.
Check out the brief video from the activity below.