NSHSS Members Launch GirlsComputingLeague

In 2015 Kavya and Neeyanth Kopparapu, NSHSS members, started a non-profit organization to aspire to see under-represented groups in the technology workplace thrive and diversify the community with new perspectives, processes, and new thinking that challenges the status-quo. The brother and sister duo strongly believe that technology should be accessible to everyone and that young students from every race and community can disrupt and change our world for the better so they founded GirlsComputingLeague.
GirlsComputingLeague (GCL) works to bring modern technology education to classrooms full of young students in the socioeconomic and racial minority to shift the balance of diversity in the technology workplace. The organization strives to help both girls and boys experience the gratification one receives from making a social impact through computer science and the knowledge gained will enable them to make a difference worldwide.
In 2017, GCL held a one day Artificial Intelligence Summit in Virginia for 300 middle and high school students with keynote speakers from Healthcare, Business, Finance areas. In 2018, GCL had a successful second iteration of the AI Summit at the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum with 350 students in attendance over the two-day event. Not only did the Summit include keynotes from leaders in several AI-driven verticals (including Google’s Head of AI, the CEO of WebMD, and the CTO of Accenture), but had hands-on training NVIDIA workshops in the afternoon, and an “ideathon” where students submitted proposals of an AI-driven idea for positive change. Currently, the team is looking to host community AI Summits across the United States.
Check out this brief video to learn more about GirlsComputingLeague.
Kavya is an NSHSS scholarship winner and Harvard University freshman and Neeyanth is currently a junior at Thomas Jefferson High School in Virginia.