NSPA Selects NSHSS Book for its Top 10 Winter Reads List

The National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA) has selected College Admission: How to Get Into Your Dream School--Real Students, Real Stories by NSHSS President James W. Lewis as one of its Top 10 Winter Reads.
The book is a how-to college admissions guide for students and their parents, filled with expert advice, tips, and pitfalls from high school counselors, college admissions officers, and the author’s own insights from working with thousands of students provide an equal level of hope for all students as they identify and apply to their dream schools. Real stories and essay samples from real students pursuing a wide range of school options—from community colleges to the Ivy League—are what set this book apart. It is a relatable and rich resource for anyone looking to find and get into his or her best-fit college or university.
"We are honored to be among the other top publications that NSPA chose for its featured list," says James Lewis. The NSPA Top 10 Winter Reads list also includes the #1 New York Times Bestseller Educated, by Tara Westover, and GRIT: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, a New York Times Bestseller by Angela Duckworth