Charles Barrowclough
Alex is experienced in public administration, including communications, servant leadership, and teaching. His passions largely surround political activism and environmental protection. This led him to develop a conservation project in his hometown, the Clifton S. Perry Beach restoration. It consisted of the organization and execution of planting over 1,000 ingenious plants from the Florida ecosystem back into the environment after substantial ecological degeneration of the region. The project had over 55 volunteers with an operations budget of $8,500. Around half of that money was collected by Alex through online solicitation. The project lasted one weekend, with over 600 hours of service given to the Martin County Parks & Recreation Department.
The NSHSS Foundation encourages environmental stewardship among high school students globally through the Foundation Earth Day Award. Students submit their environmental project they are working on currently, and provide details on the impact of the project in their communities and how it will impact the future.