Joseph Cox
Joseph has served in various leadership roles. Joseph is the founder and president of his school’s Students for Veterans Club, which partners with Help Heal Veterans, a non-profit organization in Southern California. The club has supported Help Heal Veterans’ efforts through bake sales and a “Christmas Message to a Veteran” campaign where students are encouraged to write veterans an encouraging message during the holidays. During the club’s existence, well over a thousand letters have been sent out to veterans because of the club’s efforts. The club’s annual “Love a Veteran” event in February encourages students to donate craft items utilized by the Help Heal Veterans organization. Over a thousand craft items have been collected and donated over three years.
Joseph has served as his school’s ASB President and Junior Class President. He also enjoyed serving in other capacities, including as a LINK leader and Wind Ensemble President and leading various honor societies.
Joseph hopes to continue serving others in college and beyond. He plans to attend a four-year university and will study engineering and business. He aspires to be an entrepreneur to continue to impact lives positively.
The NSHSS Nobel Academic Excellence Scholarship recognizes high school juniors and seniors making a positive impact on society, and how college will help these students continue to make an impact for years to come.