Londyn Hall
Londyn Hall is a senior at Madison High School in San Antonio, TX. Londyn is part of the elite AgriScience Magnet Program (AMP) and ranked #43 in her class of 677 students (top 6.35%) with a GPA of 104.73. She aims to major in biology, with a future career goal in veterinary medicine, animal science, or wildlife biology.
Londyn is a Madison’s FFA Varsity Cattle Show Team member and has raised 13 cattle since 8th grade, earning international/national grand and reserve grand championships in Houston, Louisville, and Denver. In the same way, The San Antonio Rodeo Calf Scramble Report grand prize and the Borlaug Scholar Award from the World Food Prize Foundation. Summer enrichment includes ag programs at the University of Botswana (Africa), Texas A&M, Purdue, and Tuskegee, and leadership/business programs at Princeton and the University of Texas. She is a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), MATHCOUNTS Video Challenge National Championship team, and State Champion Try-Math-a-Lon (TMAL) team.
The NSHSS Nobel Academic Excellence Scholarship recognizes high school juniors and seniors making a positive impact on society, and how college will help these students continue to make an impact for years to come.