Morielle Shechter
Morielle Shechter is a high school senior passionate about international relations and cultivating education. She is the founder of Just a Teen, an organization aiming to educate and interconnect between teens from around the world (through podcast episodes, blog posts, programming, social media, and more), and manages a team of 20+ teens.
Her interest in politics and government led her to complete the Institute for Youth in Policy (the largest student-run civics nonprofit in the US) fellowship. She currently serves as an education research intern for YIP, where she analyzes states’ civic education curriculums. She also completed an internship with a state delegate, where she learned more about environmental state policy and conducted research.
Active within her school and greater community, Morielle serves as her school’s Student Government president, is the co-chair of her school system’s diversity, equity, and inclusion student government, and initiated a school club supporting students with academics, career exploration, and extracurricular development. For her efforts, she was recognized as a 2024 Carson scholar.
Morielle loves writing and was awarded a national Scholastic medal for her poetry. She’s excited to continue harnessing communication platforms (such as social media, journalism, and public speaking) to spark positive societal change.