NSHSS Future Educators Scholarship
Five (5) $1,000 awards
High school and college students of all levels

Scholarship Details:
Believing in education and the intellectual enrichment of society is essential. Over the past few years, teaching has been transformed like never before. Education has evolved from textbooks to tablets, bookbags to none, recess and art classes to STEM and career-based, and a spike in online courses and learning. NSHSS wants to recognize students with a passion for education and an aspiration to change it.
Application Requirements:
- Prompt response of 500-800 words to the following question:
- What is your vision for education in the future and what role do you aspire to play?
- Pictures/videos/media showing your leadership in action (optional)
- Color headshot suitable for website posting
- Academic resume
- Current Transcript (can be official or unofficial)
- Educator recommendation letter