Carla Ferrette-Clark
Carla Ferrette-Clark has been a STEM teacher at Military Magnet Academy CTE Department since 2015. Military Magnet Academy's Robotics afterschool club is growing in leaps and bounds. The RoboEagles and TalonSkies team understand the importance of grants and scholarships that provide all students the opportunity to participate and engage in activities no matter their economic status. NSHSS has provided this opportunity by offering grants to support afterschool programs. Afterschool clubs are valuable resources that provide academic support, enrichment activities, workforce development opportunities, mentoring relationships, and more. Receiving any type of grant funding ensures the club's continued success.
Clubs and extracurricular activities allow students to develop leadership skills and find ways to contribute meaningfully to their community. Club advisors and sponsors often support these clubs with their own funds or through fundraising activities. To support our outstanding educators and the clubs they oversee, NSHSS is awarding ten (10) NSHSS Educators a $500 grant to help provide additional opportunities to their student clubs.