Jenelle Davis
Jenelle Davis serves as the Middle and High School Initiatives Director with Enrichment 4 Harmony and Happiness ("E4HH") in McDonough, GA. She leads Literature Clubs, Monthly Field Trips, and Dual Enrollment Program Advisory in this role. The Classical Literature Club is a restful literature club that meets weekly. This club facilitates literacy, logic, and rhetoric skills, where learners read classical literature during club meetings and discuss it. The purpose of this Club is to encourage and promote the love of good literature and discussion and promote higher-order thinking. Students read Plato, Frederick Douglass, Phyllis Wheatley, and Martin Luther King, Jr., among other selections.
This grant will provide essential resources to support students' yearlong learning in the instruction of the Classical Trivium with deep exposure to diverse classical authors from antiquity to early modern times.
Clubs and extracurricular activities allow students to develop leadership skills and find ways to contribute meaningfully to their community. Club advisors and sponsors often support these clubs with their own funds or through fundraising activities. To support our outstanding educators and the clubs they oversee, NSHSS is giving two (2) high school educators a $500 grant to help provide additional opportunities to their student clubs.