Tanya Torres-Steen
Graham Kapowsin High School
Graham, WA
Tanya Torres-Steen is a 26-year Veteran DECA Advisor and CTE teacher that specializes in Business and Marketing. She currently teaches at Graham Kapowsin High School in the Bethel School District. Tanya is also on the Teacher Advisory Network for MBA Research and Curriculum. As a veteran teacher she enjoys mentoring new teachers, presenting at conferences, and continuing her education to consistently bring relevant teaching into her classroom for her students.
Grants Awarded in 2024: NSHSS-DECA Chapter Advisor Leadership Grant
In partnership with DECA, NSHSS has established a DECA Advisor Leadership Award to recognize the outstanding contributions of NSHSS Educators who are DECA advisors who consistently demonstrate their commitment to preparing students for success in college and in life.