Students came to be honored and recognized for their outstanding academic achievements at NSHSS Scholar's Day in Atlanta, GA.
Scholar's Day in Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA

NSHSS members, families, educators, and partners gathered in the NSHSS hometown of Atlanta, GA for a two-day educational conference on November 19-20, 2021. This event featured several workshops, a college and career fair, and networking opportunities.
At Scholar's Day, members learned more about all of the benefits of the NSHSS membership including $2.5 million in scholarship opportunities yearly, access to an extensive network of university, educational, corporate, and government partners, and, of course, the lifetime network of fellow NSHSS members.
Professional photography

Event Exhibitors
ALSAC/St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, American Airlines, American Physical Therapy Association, America's Navy, Central Intelligence Agency, Clark Atlanta University,, Columbia College (SC), Duke Kunshan University, Fisk University, Florida International University, Florida State University International Programs, Knoyo Tutoring, Liberty University, McGill School of Continuing Studies, Method Learning, Minerva University, Monash University, New College of Florida, NewU University, Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD), SMARTTRACK® College Funding, The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss), The University of Queensland, UC Berkeley Summer Sessions & Study Abroad, University of Southampton, University of West Georgia, University of Wyoming College of Business, U.S. Army ROTC, United States Marine Corps, Verto Education, Wofford College
Our Sincere Appreciation To Our Partners
- Foundation for Economic Education, for awarding their two, $500 Economic & Financial Literacy Educator Grants at Scholar's Day, and for providing a copy of I, Pencil to all attendees!
- Brown & Bigelow, for providing fun swag items for attendees and exhibitors!
Thank you to our event sponsors!
Featured Speaker
Dr. Lawrence Schall
New England Commission of Higher Education

Event Agenda
- 2:00-5:00 PM College and Career Fair
Meet representatives from outstanding universities and explore opportunities with corporate, educational, and government leaders of renowned organizations from around the globe. - 2:00-6:00 PM Registration
2:00-8:00 PM NSHSS Store
Snag your NSHSS swag!
4:00-5:00 PM Welcome Reception
Enjoy snacks and beverages while you wait for the Welcome Session to kick off.
5:00-7:30 PM Welcome Session
Scholar’s Day Atlanta 2021 will kick off with a welcome message from NSHSS President and Co-Founder Mr. James Lewis, followed by event announcements and more.
7:30-8:00 PM Parent's Reception
Parents, stick around for refreshments just for you!
7:30-9:00 PM Member Party
Students, let loose with fellow members at a party just for you! Music, games, and refreshments come together to create a great opportunity to network.
8:00-8:45 PM NSHSS 101 Informational Session for Parents
Parents, sit back and learn more about the infinite possibilities available in your student's NSHSS membership.
- 8:00-9:30 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM-1:00 PM College and Career Fair
Meet representatives from outstanding universities and explore opportunities with corporate, educational, and government leaders of renowned organizations from around the globe.
8:00 AM-3:00 PM NSHSS Store
Snag your NSHSS swag!
8:00 AM-3:00 PM Registration
9:00-9:45 AM Future Focused Panel
Scholar’s Day Atlanta 2021 will kick off with a welcome message from NSHSS President and Co-Founder Mr. James Lewis, followed by event announcements and more.
10:00-10:45 AM Workshops
Option to attend different educational workshops, including:
- Army ROTC Scholarships and Opportunities Presented by the U.S. Army ROTC
- SAT & ACT: Steps to Success Presented by Method Learning
- What Parents Need to Know Now About Paying Less for College Presented by SMARTTRACK® College Funding
- Study in Australia! Presented by The University of Queensland
11:00-11:45 AM Workshops
Option to attend different educational workshops, including:
- Ready Now! CIA Intern and Employment Opportunities Presented by CIA
- Optimally Trained. Prominently Demonstrated. How Marines Bring Expertise to Every Battle Presented by the U.S. Marine Corps
- SCAD Information Session Presented by the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)
- Cancer & COVID-19: Unlocking the Immunological Paradigm Presented by Yan Leyfman, MD, Director Immunology Division, Global COVID-19 Taskforce
- Navy $180,000 College Scholarships Presented by America's Navy
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Be More-a-Thon Presentations Open
View the projects, prototypes, and nonprofits selected to compete in the NSHSS Be-More-a-Thon for the chance to win a $10,000 grant.
11:45 AM-1:00 PM Lunch On Your Own
Enjoy lunch with your family at a nearby eatery. NSHSS will provide recommendations.
1:00-1:45 PM Finding Your Fit: How to Achieve Your College Admissions Goals Presented by
You've got questions about the college admissions process ahead of you - and has the answers!
Drawing on their experience working with hundreds of thousands of students from a wide range of backgrounds, the team will share their best tips and guidance for navigating the increasingly competitive undergraduate admissions process.
2:00-2:45 PM Workshops
Option to attend different educational workshops, including:
- Army ROTC & Military Colleges Information Brief Presented by the U.S. Army ROTC
- Ready Now! Resume-Writing Tips and Tricks Presented by CIA
- Don't Wait: College Admissions Timelines for 9th-12th Graders Presented by
- The Five Skills You Need to Succeed in College and in Life Presented by Encoura
- Surviving Freshman Year in College Presented by the NSHSS Collegiate Council Executive Board
3:30-5:30 PM Member Recognition Ceremony
Hear final thoughts of inspiration from closing speakers. All members will receive an honor medallion for their academic achievements.
Scholar's Day Frequently Asked Questions
Find here the answers to all of your Scholar's Day questions!
All attendees, partners, and speakers at NSHSS Events must wear a face covering. Social distancing is implemented at NSHSS Events.
Find the most up-to-date NSHSS Events COVID-19 policy here.
Scholar's Day is NSHSS's signature event. Over the years, NSHSS has hosted thousands of members, families, partners and friends at Scholar's Day events in Washington D.C. and Atlanta, GA. Fun fact: the first Scholar's Day was held in the US Senate!
Each attendee is responsible for their own accommodation and transportation arrangements.
Yes! To be admitted to Scholar's Day, each attendee must purchase a ticket via Eventbrite.