Amrita Rajesh
Amrita Rajesh is currently a senior at Mounds View High School, Minnesota. She is the captain of the Speech & Debate team, the founder of MVHS Healthcare Club, and is on the executive board of her school’s NHS chapter. She has tutored numerous children and enjoys the challenges that come with teaching. Amrita volunteers as a first-grade teacher at her local Tamil School, an organization dedicated to teaching American-born kids of Indian descent their native language and culture. She is interested in Emergency Medicine and is preparing to take her EMR and EMT certification exams. She understands the importance of education and is highly thankful for all the opportunities she has been given.
In the future, she hopes to help change the education system to allow students to love what they learn. She has started at her Tamil School, modifying the syllabus to help children understand and enjoy the material they are learning. She hopes that everyone with an education realizes the fantastic gift they have received and uses it for the greater good.