Anoushka Chitnis
Anoushka Chitnis has a deep passion for space and is on a mission to see Mars' blue sunsets with her own eyes and engineer the journey itself. She loves to build things in true engineering fashion, be it cone-shooting robots or homemade laser mazes. When Anoushka isn't busy plotting interplanetary expeditions, she unleashes her adventurous spirit in many extreme sports, including backpacking, skydiving, rock climbing, skiing, ultimate frisbee, and soccer. Like a true nerd, she has an odd fascination with light, both the concept and the ones that hang in her room for decorative purposes. She is also interested in experimenting with new recipes and occasionally dabbling in the physics behind black holes. And when she has some free time, she is learning to fly a plane to develop her astronaut skills. She will be attending UC Berkeley for Mechanical Engineering in the fall.
In Your First Scholarship, an award for those who have never before won a scholarship, we will be walking you through all the steps of the application process, providing the best tips and tricks, and essentially, leaving you with a refined "toolbox" for you to use in all your future endeavors—from academic to professional.