Fares Shmayssani
Al Sahhah High School
Nabeith, Lebanon
I am studying chemical engineering at Lebanese university third year. As an engineer I have wide range of experience in climate change solution , environmental actions , and SDG advocacy. I am member at YOUNGO at UNFCCC and group facilitator of the translation team and a climate leader in the climate reality project .I am climate champion during youth climate summit by BYLC and implement my project daweer to recycle solid wastes. I am policy researcher for youth and energy at European youth energy network. I am currently participant at YLP7 by UNDP , water innovation lab Lebanon 2021 by waterlution Canada, and SAFIR EU SDG advocacy program. Currently I am working with a team of engineers on our startup biosetter to build a biogas plant .
Scholarships Awarded in 2021: NSHSS Passion for Public Service Scholarship