Is NSHSS Worth It?
The short answer is “yes!” but with one small catch, one must take advantage of the Society’s benefits to really experience its worth. Why is NSHSS worth it? Simply put, The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) provides students with a lifetime of benefits, opportunities, and resources designed to help them succeed through their academic goals and career aspirations. We also connect students with a community of other high achieving students like them. Joining NSHSS is worth it because the opportunities and benefits we provide allow students to explore and gain the essential skills, recognition, and support needed to be successful now and in the future. Below we breakdown the benefits of NSHSS that truly make joining worth it!
NSHSS and its partners provide more than $2.5 million in scholarships annually. These scholarships can be applied to a student’s tuition at any accredited college or university worldwide. Since our scholarships cover a variety of topics, including STEM, art, leadership, advocacy, diversity, environmental sustainability, writing, and so much more, there is bound to be a scholarship nicely suited for any of our members. Additionally, since a number of our scholarships are created for only NSHSS members, one will not have to compete with the world just for consideration for the award. See the full list of NSHSS scholarships here.
NSHSS and its partners provide frequent FREE webinars and virtual events aimed to help students navigate through preparing for college and their careers. In these unprecedented times in a student’s life, we are dedicated to providing the resources and information they need to progress.
With webinars that focus on college application writing, receiving scholarships, paying for college, financial literacy, and so much more, students along with their parents can learn more about the topics that are most interesting and most important to them. These webinars and events are definitely worth checking out, and you won’t get the email communications about them unless you are a member!
Our in-person member events take place on university and corporate campuses all over the United States. These events are complete with interactive workshops, college and career fairs, mentor round-tables, a member recognition ceremony, and much more.
NSHSS not only takes the time to formally recognize our members’ academic achievements, but the activities during the events also help students connect with fellow peers and scholars as well as professionals and representatives from top universities and corporations such as the CIA, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and Columbia University. the Society’s largest annual event, Scholar’s Day, during which more than 1,400 scholars, parents, and educators gather at the nation’s capital in Washington D.C. for two days full of networking, food, fun, and learning!
NSHSS members have several study and educational travel abroad opportunities where students can explore new countries like Sweden during the NSHSS Nobel Week, or earn a scholarship to volunteer abroad in Italy, Spain, France, Vietnam, and many more locations with partners, such as CET. Check out the NSHSS Nobel Week and CET programs on our scholarships page.
Developing or refining one’s leadership skills is important to any high school or college student or even young professional. That’s why NSHSS offers three unique leadership programs geared towards each individual who fits that category.
NSHSS Ambassadors and Collegiate Council members get to spread awareness for NSHSS in their communities or school, provide academic advice and tips to other members and potential members, and share or get help with their own initiatives from the other members from the NSHSS Leadership groups. NSHSS Fellows (NSHSS Alumni and young professionals) are also given opportunities to network with other professions and opportunities to further their academic and career goals. Check out more about the NSHSS Leadership Programs here.
One of the greatest things that makes NSHSS worth it is the chance to network and gain a community of other high-achievers like yourself. This built-in community of students from around the world opens up opportunities and friendships that one might not gain from other school-based academic avenues like a club or sport.
As mentioned previously, one can also become involved or volunteer in other students’ initiatives due to our close-knit online community. For example, NSHSS Collegiate Council member Wendy K. explained:
“With NSHSS I am able to connect with and share ideas with students from around the world. Other Ambassadors and Collegiate Council members have even created nonprofits teaching other students about STEM, mental health, and diversity and inclusion that we can become members or leaders of if we’d like…. I met another Ambassador who created an after school program for kids to learn to express themselves in healthy ways using art called Learn to Express, for which I am now the Director of Graphic Design. The connections I made with NSHSS have been truly valuable in ways I never saw coming.” So, gaining a global network may even have benefits that you have yet to discover!
With money needed for test prep, admissions counseling, and more, NSHSS partners offer a variety of resources that help students transition from high school to college and college to career at a discount. Partners like Method Learning. Outward Bound Costa Rica, SMARTTRACK College Funding, and many more offer special discounts to NSHSS members on resources, services, and even travel abroad opportunities designed to help students explore or expand their academic and professional interests and experience.
See the full list of NSHSS partners here.
The list of college prep resources and opportunities offered by NSHSS and its partners is expanding on a weekly basis. NSHSS continues to partner with renowned higher education organizations whose missions align with NSHSS’ desire to help students succeed. Resources range from college admissions counseling, ACT/SAT prep, interning/volunteer abroad, athletic recruiting prep, and so much more.
NSHSS member events give scholars and their parents a chance to meet with top college admissions officers to gain guidance about scholarships, college visits, writing college application essays, financial aid packages, and other experiences related to the college admission process, as well as real-life campus tours. So many fabulous resources are worth taking advantage of as NSHSS members! Some noteworthy resources are by the following partners:
The National Society of High School Scholars not only commits to preparing students for college, but also for the professional world. NSHSS has partnered with organizations, such as the U.S. Army, CIA, The Intern Group and many more to help scholars explore and prepare for life after college with international internships and volunteering opportunities, hands-on summer programs, leadership courses and more.
We also provide our members with access to our Career Center, where students and professionals can search for job and internship opportunities ranging from entry-level to senior-level experience. Yes, NSHSS is worth it because the benefits do not stop at high school or college. So, if you are ready to do YOUR PART and take advantage of all NSHSS has to offer, we welcome you to the NSHSS community!
Videos featuring NSHSS members, partners, and events!

President of The New England Commission of Higher Education: Lawrence (Larry) Schall

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

$10,000 Be More Grant Winner: Ruby Tilghman

Scholarships. Networking. Opportunities.

NSHSS Brings A Career Opportunity With CollegeAdvisor.com

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and NSHSS
Connecting to make a difference through honor and leadership.

Be Honored. Be More.
NSHSS members explain how they go above and beyond to be more for their communities and the world.

Sofia Gonzalez on Scholar's Day DC
Educator of the Year shares her experience at the biggest NSHSS event of the year.

Share Your Passion
Judges selected winners in the World Betterment and STEAM & Innovation categories.

NSHSS Scholar's Day DC
Highlights from our annual member event.

A View of Nobel Week
A personal account of Nobel Week in Stockholm from two of the participants.
Images highlighting NSHSS Members and Events (Click for more info)
Scholarship Winners at Scholar's Day Atlanta and D.C.
NSHSS Ambassadors at Scholar's Day D.C
NSHSS Members at St. Jude and University of Massachusetts Events