High School Scholarships for Future Leaders

Sunday, May 12, 2024
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Figuring out how to pay for college can be daunting, especially for high school students with big dreams and limited resources. The good news is that many scholarships are available for students who demonstrate exceptional leadership potential, academic achievement, and a commitment to their communities.

While we can’t capture every option here, let us narrow your high school scholarship search with some of the top choices tailored for future leaders like you.

Scholarships from NSHSS

NSHSS Scholarship winner

James W. Lewis High School Global Leader Scholarship

The James W. Lewis High School Global Leader Scholarship is a prestigious annual award granted to an outstanding National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) member. This scholarship recognizes individuals who have shown remarkable leadership qualities through their academic performance, involvement in extracurricular activities, and service to their communities. Recipients of this scholarship not only demonstrate academic excellence but also possess the vision and drive to make a positive impact on a global scale.

This scholarship awards five students $5,000 each.

Future Educators Scholarship

The Future Educators Scholarship celebrates the passion for teaching and commitment to education among NSHSS members. Applicants are evaluated based on academic excellence, extracurricular leadership, and dedication to community service, emphasizing their interest in education. This scholarship recognizes potential educators and invests in the future of education.

This scholarship awards five students $1,000 each.

Activism and Advocacy Scholarship

The Activism and Advocacy Scholarship honors NSHSS members who are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. Candidates are assessed for their leadership in social justice initiatives, community activism, and advocacy efforts. This scholarship acknowledges the power of passion and purpose in driving meaningful change and amplifying voices for a better tomorrow.

This scholarship awards five students $1,000 each.

STEAM Scholarship (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math)

The NSHSS STEAM Scholarship celebrates NSHSS members who excel in traditional STEM fields and the Arts. Applicants are evaluated based on academic achievement, participation in relevant extracurricular activities, and demonstrated interest in pursuing a career path that integrates their STEAM skills. This scholarship recognizes the interdisciplinary nature of learning and supports students in leveraging their diverse talents for future success.

The STEAM scholarship awards ten students $1,000 each.

Innovation in Technology Scholarship

The NSHSS Innovation in Technology Scholarship is dedicated to NSHSS members who showcase a passion for technological innovation. Ideal candidates demonstrate creativity and problem-solving through projects or initiatives leveraging technology to address real-world challenges. This scholarship encourages students to think outside the box and harness the power of innovation to positively impact society.

This scholarship awards five students $2,000 each.

Research and Academic Paper Scholarship

The NSHSS Research and Academic Paper Scholarship recognizes members who excel in research and scholarly pursuits. Applicants are evaluated based on the quality of a submitted research paper or academic project, showcasing their critical thinking, analytical skills, and ability to contribute meaningfully to their chosen field of study. This scholarship supports students' academic endeavors and encourages intellectual curiosity and exploration.

A total of 50 students are awarded $250 each for this scholarship.

Diversity Scholarship

The NSHSS Diversity Scholarship celebrates NSHSS members who are dedicated to expanding diversity and inclusion initiatives within their schools or communities. Candidates demonstrate leadership in fostering a welcoming and equitable environment, promoting understanding, and celebrating differences. This scholarship recognizes the importance of diversity in creating vibrant and inclusive communities and supports students who champion these values.

This scholarship awards $2,000 to five high school students.

Community College or Trade School Scholarship

Recognizing the value of vocational education, the NSHSS Community College or Trade School Scholarship awards NSHSS members planning to attend a community college or trade school. Applicants showcase their chosen career path, relevant skills and experience, and commitment to contributing to their chosen field. This scholarship empowers students pursuing alternative educational pathways and supports their journey towards fulfilling and impactful careers.

Five students will be awarded $1,000 each.

Other Leadership Scholarships

college student with graduation cap NSHSS

The Horatio Alger National Scholarship

This esteemed scholarship program awards up to $25,000 in renewable scholarships to graduating high school juniors who exhibit financial need, a strong commitment to pursuing higher education, and resilience in overcoming personal challenges. The Horatio Alger National Scholarship recognizes academic excellence and values integrity and perseverance in the face of great obstacles.

The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship

 With a focus on academic excellence, leadership, and community service, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship awards $20,000 scholarships to 150 exceptional high school seniors each year. Recipients of this scholarship exemplify the values of leadership and service, embodying the spirit of making a difference in their communities.

The Gates Millennium Scholars Program

Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this substantial youth leadership program is dedicated to supporting outstanding minority students with exceptional academic achievement, leadership potential, and financial need. The Gates Millennium Scholars Program aims to empower future leaders from diverse backgrounds to pursue their educational and professional aspirations. The large funding pool means that each year, 5,000 students are awarded money in various amounts.

The Ron Brown Scholarship Program

The Ron Brown Scholarship Program awards four-year college scholarships to African American high school seniors, recognizing academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to public service. The award is $40,000 over the course of a 4-year program for 45-50 students. This program provides financial assistance and nurtures the development of future leaders dedicated to creating positive change in society.

Tips for Scholarship Applications

No matter what scholarships you decide to pursue (and we think you should try for a lot!), here are some tips to ensure your applications give you the best chance.

  • Do Your Research: It's never too early to understand your options. If you're feeling overwhelmed, try a NSHSS webinar for information! 

  • Start Early: Begin your scholarship search as soon as possible to identify relevant opportunities and gather necessary materials.

  • Read Criteria Carefully: Thoroughly review each scholarship's eligibility requirements and criteria to ensure you meet all qualifications before applying.

  • Mind Deadlines: Mark application deadlines on your calendar and submit your materials well in advance to avoid last-minute stress.

  • Gather Documentation: Collect all required documents, such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays, in advance and keep them organized.

  • Proofread: Before submitting your applications, carefully proofread all materials to ensure they are error-free and present you in the best possible light. It never hurts to have a friend, loved one, or teacher proofread for you too.

With these tips and your own achievements, the scholarship opportunities are endless.